Extended Care

Extension opportunities give children more time to play at school while allowing their families more flexible drop-off and pick-up times. Monthly rates are based on the number of days attended per week. If space is available, drop-in spots may also be reserved on a per-use basis.
Early Bird

Early Bird gives families an earlier drop-off option. Children in our 3- and 4-year-old programs can come as early as 7:30 a.m. Children enrolled in Early Bird will be in Playroom 2 enjoying a relaxed atmosphere and time to prepare for their preschool session. Children may pack a breakfast, or a small snack will be offered to children without a packed breakfast.

Rates Per Month
1 day/week
2 days/week
3 days/week
5 days/week
Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch gives children age 3 and older the opportunity to have extra time to socialize with new friends and eat lunch at school.  Lunch Bunch is offered daily between sessions, which allows both the morning and afternoon children to extend their day. Children need to bring their own lunches.

Rates Per Month
1 day/week
2 days/week
3 days/week
5 days/week
Kids Club

Kids Club extends the afternoon session for parents who may need a more convenient pick-up time. At Kids Club, children enjoy time in both playrooms, open-ended art projects, a group story time, reading books, and a snack.  Because the children already had a full afternoon session of school, the pace is more relaxed in Kids Club.

Rates Per Month
1 day/week
2 days/week
3 days/week
5 days/week